Pigeon Racing Victoria Inc.
Race results
For federation and club results from all over Australia please click on the link
below :
Achievements by PRV to date
1. Two radio station interviews on pigeon racing 15/11/13 94.3 FM “Dark Star Effect Show” & 8/04 101.9 “Hamish and Andy happy hour National show;
2. VHA race results in 15 local newspapers of the leader group on 8 occasions
3. WPF race results in 8 local newspapers on 5 occasions ; -(seeking to extend to the VRPU & GMPF)
4. Ground work and strong support for the VHA Show 18th May - in particular advertising, certificates and vendor attendance;
5. Pigeon racing/VHA caps to flying members of the VHA allocated 6/05/14
6. Pigeon racing/WPF caps to flying members of the WPF allocated 5/05/14 -(seeking to extend this to the VRPU & GMPF)
7. Construction of a new website for novice flyers- completed
8. Twenty six loft reports for the journal – to engage and retain existing flyers
9. All Federation Squeaker Sale VRPU rooms 22nd February 2015- completed , raised $14,150 for several promotional campaigns.
10. Mentoring three flyers –one ex-flyer and two new.
11. Article promoting pigeon racing for Beyond Blue on The Mens Shed online 28/02/15
12. Vic Cup September 2016. Australia's biggest pigeon race. Comprising $195,000 in prize
with $100, 000 in first prize. An image building race for the sport.
13. Squeaker/ stock bird sale at VHA rooms in October 2019.
14. As at 10/09/20 36 fliers referred to various clubs/federations in Victoria.