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Pigeons in July 2012 pre racing hens 017_crop 980x310.jpg
​Pigeon Racing Victoria Inc.
Lofts for racing pigeons
Lofts can differ as much as pigeons themselves. Some lofts are simple and made of left over materials and some lofts are palatial. Winning lofts do not have to be impressive. More often than not they are modest and simple. The most important aspect to a loft is as follows :
the birds themselves like the loft
the loft is as dry as possible
the loft has good ventilation as pigeons require large amounts of oxygen
the loft protects the birds from bad weather
The following photos are of current aggregate winning lofts (VRPU GMPF & VHA) and highlight that many different types can work very well.

Lofts of 2012 VRPU equal aggregate winner Wayne Williams
Lofts of Ken Peach Aggregate winner GMPF 2013
Lofts of Alf & Mark Vella VHA champions 2012.

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