​Pigeon Racing Victoria Inc.

Pigeon Racing Victoria is an organisation with four main aims:
To promote pigeon racing in Victoria/Australia via greater public awareness.
To engage current membership.
To guide and assist new flyers get started and learn about the sport.
The committee is made up of the following :
Joe Phillips (GMPF)
Michael Portelli (WPF)
Stephen Kearsey (VHA) VIC CUP 2023 CANCELLED
Nick Lakiotis (VHA)
Keith Flentjar (GMPF)
Wayne Williams (VRPU)
Joe Farrugia (WPF)
Rod Simmons (VRPU)
Theo Vasilakopoulos (VHA)
Michael West (WPF)
Tas Gazis (GMPF)
Rafael Lay (VHA)
Charlie Grech (VRPU)
PRV is seeking more members to represent country flyers.
Anyone wishing to join/assist is most welcome and can apply via email.
Initiatives Undertaken
1. Information booklet for new flyers explaining the sport, how to start and general information.
2. Website for beginners and the public.
3. Combined federation committee comprising VHA, WPF, GMPF & VRPU.
4. Racing Pigeon stands at over twenty pet & animals expos in Melbourne.
5. Advertising of pigeon racing in Australia's largest Chinese -Australian newspaper and the largest bird magazine in the southern hemisphere (Australian Bird Keeper).
6. Radio and television interviews (channel 31) regarding pigeon racing and the Vic Cup.
7. Liaison with the President of Romanian Racing Pigeon Federation regarding increasing membership
from 2000 to 16,000 flyers in just over ten years.
8. PRV has run the Victoria Cup - an image building race with $ 195,000.00 in prize money for the 2018 season. This race is designed to appeal to the public, the fancy/non racing pigeon fanciers the horse racing industry and the Asian community. This race will also have the highest payout ratio of any large race. All transactions to be audited by independent auditors. The main purpose of the race is to offer the sport intense media coverage and public awareness in Australia. The race proved successful, being a turning point for the sport in Australia.
9. Public transport advertising of pigeon racing via the Vic Cup.
10. Two major stock and squeaker sales to engage the fraternity and fund raise.
11. "How to get started in pigeon racing" brochure for the PRF of WA.
12. Communication with sixteen other Australian feds/clubs in relation to providing them with their own version of the " How to get started" brochure.
13. Continue with the PRV Vic Cup in 2023 and use as a platform to promote sport to the public.
14. Fifty two referrals of people to different clubs in Victoria since inception.
15. Future separate initiatives for sport include awareness via the football fraternity, primary schools, radio, Vic Cup 2023 and federation joint ventures and subsidies.
16. Providing finance for a 500 mile combine race.